Public Speaking Coaching With Virtual Reality in Paris

by Pierre Morsa —

I don’t think it’s exaggerated to say that the mentality in public speaking coaching and oratory coaching is fairly conservative. After all, many of the techniques that are taught today were developed by some guys in togas before year one of our calendar! But the world has changed a lot since then, and recent technology advances have opened new exciting possibilities for public presentation training. One of these technologies is virtual reality.

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How to steal the show

by Pierre Morsa —

A few weeks ago, Ideas on Stage had the privilege of organizing a sales presentation training for Krauthammer at Dolce La Hulpe, close to Brussels in Belgium. For us, delivering a training for dozens of senior people at Krauthammer, one of the world’s most respected sales and management training companies, felt like designing something for Jonathan Ive, Apple’s legendary designer: a bit intimidating but incredibly exciting. The training met with great success, and it was fantastic to work with such talented people, but what I will remember most are two presentations.

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Helping Startups Pitch for Social Good

by Phil Waknell —

The Sport Social Business Lab, aka SSBL, is an incubator specialized in sport startups for the social good. It is part of the INCO network. Sport startups are no different from other startups: without a good pitch, they don’t stand a chance to attract investors and grow. This is why the SSBL asked Ideas on Stage to animate a three-hour pitch workshop. As an avid sportsman who has been active in the Startup ecosystem since 2010, cofounder Pierre Morsa was uniquely qualified to deliver this workshop.

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Taking Female Leadership by the Reins

by Rose Bloomfield -

This September, something special will take place at Wisteria Acres in British Columbia, and it’s not just time with the horses. From Friday September 29th through Sunday evening on the 1st of October, Marion Chapsal and her co-facilitator Evelyn McKelvie will guide eight willing and ready women on a journey to find – or fine-tune – their public voice and take the stage alongside, you guessed it, horses. They call this workshop and retreat “The Heroine’s Journey”.

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Who teaches the Preachers?

by Phil Waknell —

It’s not only business leaders, salespeople and entrepreneurs who need to inspire their audiences. For thousands of years, many of the most talented speakers could be found not in a shop or office but in a place of worship. Ask people which public speaker they most admire, and many will point to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. He spoke powerfully and inspired his audiences, and of the well-known speakers of the last century he was certainly among the best.

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