What presentation lessons can we learn from Apple’s profit warning?

by Pierre Morsa —

By now, you’ve probably heard that Apple was doomed. Last Wednesday they released a profit warning press release, followed by an interview with CEO Tim Cook. I’m all too aware of Apple’s previous profit warning. Back in the nineties, after Steve Jobs returned to Apple and a Saudi prince (whose name I forget) bought a lot of Apple shares, I decided that I would be a smart investor and I bought Apple shares too.

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Don't Inform, Transform

by Phil Waknell —

Too many presentations aim only to inform, yet this is one thing oral presentations are particularly bad at – we forget most of what we hear within 30 seconds. If you want people to remember information, give them a document and a coffee, and time to read. Then you can answer their questions, discuss, agree on the next steps, and leave. This is what happens in meetings at companies like Amazon and LinkedIn, where not only do meetings never have slides - they never have presentations.

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What Business Can Learn From TED

by Phil Waknell —

Today marks the start of TED2018, the latest edition of the world’s best-known modern conference. Participants in Vancouver will be treated to high-quality talks from well-prepared speakers, and will leave feeling energized and inspired. Back in the office, you and your colleagues will no doubt be subjected to low-quality presentations from poorly-prepared speakers, and you will leave feeling bored and uninspired. Business presentations are not TED talks. A board meeting is not a stage with a round red carpet.

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3 presentation lessons from The Darkest Hour

by Marion Chapsal -

Have you seen Gary Oldman in his interpretation of Churchill in the latest biopic by Joe Wright? If you have not, please go. It’s jaw-dropping. His outstanding performance may very soon win him an Oscar. You will enjoy some of the finest acting and also benefit from precious presentation lessons from the Master Orator. Here are 3 takeaways from the movie, which you can immediately apply for your next keynote, sales meeting or investor pitch.

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