The 5 Virtual Meeting Revolutions

by Phil Waknell —

What are you going to do today? For many typical office workers, the answer is: too many meetings, and not enough time to work. It’s rare that meetings and productivity coincide. At the time of writing, many of us are required to work from home, so physical meetings have become virtual meetings, and they’re not always an improvement. Online meetings present their own set of challenges, principally because unless everyone has their camera switched on, one participant won’t know whether another is paying attention, or is checking Instagram, or has gone to walk his dog, aiming to return at the end of the meeting in time to say goodbye and pick up as few actions as possible.

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Why Prezi failed at revolutionizing presentations

by Pierre Morsa —

In 2009, the year when TED decided to launch its TEDx license program, Prezi was born out of the desire to overcome the limitations of tools like PowerPoint and Keynote. With its dramatic zooming and panning effects, it certainly did catch the eye of audiences worldwide when it was introduced. But its over-reliance on movement effects quickly became a visual nuisance, making the audience feel as if they had been on a boat caught in a category 10 hurricane.

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Why would people care about your presentation?

by Pierre Morsa —

Why would people care about your product? Why would people care about your service? Why would people care about your project? Why would people care about your career? Why would people care about your investment? Why would people care about your discovery? Why would people care about your research? Why would people care about your videos? Why would people care about your book? Why would people care about your ideas?

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Are you ready?

by Rose Bloomfield -

It’s already October and you know what that means… Firming up plans for next year. Pitching projects. Assigning budgets. And ultimately getting creative about how to expire old, ineffective systems and implement a smarter and better approach. Look around and catch the shift. It’s not time for just another step forward. It’s time to leap. At Ideas on Stage we coach, train and design for international clients and companies large and small, from CAC 40 enterprises to startups and incubators.

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