Don’t do an elevator pitch. Start a conversation.

by Pierre Morsa —

If you’re a Startup founder, you’ve heard this all before. “Your elevator pitch should be able to convince anyone in 30 seconds in an elevator”. Hold on hold on hold on! Let’s pause for a few seconds. Imagine that the roles are reversed. You’re in the elevator, lost in your thoughts, minding your own business. There is one other person in it, who you don’t know, and that person is looking intensely at you.

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EDF InnovDay UNITEP 2017

by Pierre Morsa —

Innovation is at the heart of what keeps large companies competitive. This is why EDF (Electricity of France) UNITEP organized a challenge to promote and reward internal innovative projects. For the fourth year in a row, Ideas on Stage collaborated with EDF to coach said Innovators. We helped each group build a strong and original three-minute presentation on their innovation. True to our methodology, we worked on developing the four elements of an impactful presentation: message, story, visuals and speaking.

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Helping Startups Pitch for Social Good

by Phil Waknell —

The Sport Social Business Lab, aka SSBL, is an incubator specialized in sport startups for the social good. It is part of the INCO network. Sport startups are no different from other startups: without a good pitch, they don’t stand a chance to attract investors and grow. This is why the SSBL asked Ideas on Stage to animate a three-hour pitch workshop. As an avid sportsman who has been active in the Startup ecosystem since 2010, cofounder Pierre Morsa was uniquely qualified to deliver this workshop.

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Can Women Pitch As Well As Men?

by Rose Bloomfield -

It’s a simple fact that most successful startups are run by men. Why? Firstly, there are more men than women who decide - or dare - to start companies. Secondly, men are more successful at raising funds than women, and even those women who do raise funds end up raising less, on average, than their male counterparts. Having spent two years playing in the Silicon Valley arena myself, I’ve seen this truth first hand both in California and now in France.

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