The Women on Stage Workshop Returns Dec 7

by Marion Chapsal -

This December 7th in an elegant boardroom along the Champs-Elysée something powerful will take place: the beloved Women on Stage workshop will return by popular demand led by Marion Chapsal, Chief Learning Officer and Speaking Coach. Spaces are limited to allow space for each voice and leader to present and receive personalized feedback. Marion Chapsal For over 20 years, Marion’s work has helped leaders to strengthen their executive presence, enhance their presentation and communication skills, and promote gender-balanced leadership in everything she does.

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EDF InnovDay UNITEP 2017

by Pierre Morsa —

Innovation is at the heart of what keeps large companies competitive. This is why EDF (Electricity of France) UNITEP organized a challenge to promote and reward internal innovative projects. For the fourth year in a row, Ideas on Stage collaborated with EDF to coach said Innovators. We helped each group build a strong and original three-minute presentation on their innovation. True to our methodology, we worked on developing the four elements of an impactful presentation: message, story, visuals and speaking.

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