Bonjour les Champs Élysées !

by Pierre Morsa —

Ideas on Stage now welcomes you in their Champs Élysées offices. Located in the heart of Paris, they offer the perfect atmosphere to make the best out of your public speaking coaching sessions. And above all, the coffee is very good (although we recommend to avoid it before speaking in public)! What a change a few years can make. When we created the company, we rented a space in a shared office.

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Welcome to Andrea Pacini, UK Presentation Director

by Pierre Morsa —

This March Andrea Pacini joined Ideas on Stage as UK Presentation Director, meaning that Ideas on Stage now has a direct presence in France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom - and we serve the rest of the world from these four locations. We sat down with Andrea for a short interview. Q: What is your background? A: I am Italian, and I studied in Italy and Ireland. I then did an internship in Cambridge, where I fell in love with the UK and decided to stay there.

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