How Personal Storytelling Can Transform Your Business, Boost Your Career and Drive Change

by Andrea Pacini —

In a recent web class we hosted, Mark Leruste, CEO of Storycast and a renowned storytelling expert, shared great insights on the power of personal storytelling. Here’s a summary of the key points from the session. The Importance of Personal Storytelling Mark emphasised the importance of personal storytelling in today’s world. With the constant noise and distractions in our digital age, stories have a unique ability to cut through the clutter and connect with people on a deep emotional level.

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Mastering the Art of Spontaneous Speaking

by Andrea Pacini —

We recently hosted a special event with Matt Abrahams, a well-known Stanford lecturer and the author of ‘Think Faster, Talk Smarter,’ as our special guest. The focus was on spontaneous speaking, an essential skill for effective communication today. Over 180 people signed up for the event, getting a chance to ask Matt their questions directly. Here’s a quick overview of the main topics we covered during our chat. How did you get into spontaneous speaking?

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Captivate Your Audience with Visual Storytelling

by Andrea Pacini —

In a world where we’re bombarded with information and sometimes overwhelming, effective communication becomes a precious skill. At our recent event with international best-selling author Dan Roam, participants had the chance to explore the secrets of mastering this skill through visual storytelling. Blending art and science Dan Roam explained the powerful combination of visual expression and scientific principles, showing how visual storytelling can revolutionise the way we convey our ideas.

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Brain Rules for Effective Communication

by Andrea Pacini —

On June 6, 2023, we hosted a special event, Brain Rules for Effective Communication. The event featured the esteemed guest speaker, Dr. John Medina, renowned author of the New York Times bestseller Brain Rules. In this article, I highlight the key takeaways from Dr. Medina’s thought-provoking presentation. Why it Matters Attempting to be an effective communicator without understanding how our brain processes information is like shooting an arrow without a target.

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Zen and The Art of Presenting with Impact

by Andrea Pacini —

On the 7th of March, more than 200 business leaders attended our virtual event, “Zen and the Art of Presenting with Impact”, featuring renowned speaker Garr Reynolds. Garr covered three key principles: Restraint Simplicity Naturalness Under the principle of Restraint in preparation, Garr emphasised the importance of planning presentations analogue and having the courage to remove unnecessary details in service of the audience. He also shared tips on creating a clear presentation structure.

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Communication Secrets that Power Amazon's Success

by Andrea Pacini —

Ideas don’t sell themselves. If you want to persuade others to act on your ideas, you need to be an effective communicator. We’ve recently hosted a special masterclass with the one and only Carmine Gallo as a guest speaker. Carmine Gallo is a communication coach for the world’s most admired brands. He’s a Harvard instructor, leadership advisor, and bestselling author whose books have been translated into more than 40 languages.

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Leadership and Communication Tactics to Fuel Your Success

by Andrea Pacini —

Do others dismiss your ideas and proposals? Do you struggle with creating and delivering simple, engaging, and persuasive presentations? Have you heard about ‘storytelling’ but you’re not sure how to do it? If so, this is the event you’ve been waiting for! On 6th December 2022 I’m hosting a free, live web class in collaboration with the one and only Carmine Gallo, the bestselling author of Talk Like TED. You’ll learn strategies based on his new book, The Bezos Blueprint.

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Why should I hire an external event coordinator? An experienced event manager's point of view

by Pierre Morsa —

A lot of people think that organizing an event is within everyone’s reach. But is it really true? If you want to organize one for your company, a lot is at stake, including brand reputation as well as the satisfaction of your customers or guests. If you don’t want to take any chances and make a positive impression, it’s important to set up a team dedicated to your project. If you are the organizer in the hot seat, you are likely asking yourself many questions.

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