Being coached is the mark of true leaders

by Pierre Morsa —

Some leaders are afraid to let other people know that they took public speaking coaching. I want to explain why it’s a mistake, and why the best leaders are proud of being coached. The Consulting Partner who hired me back in 1996, for a company that was then called Andersen Consulting, was an extremely charismatic person and an excellent orator. One advice he gave openly to his peers, and to us young consultants, was to get professional public speaking coaching to become better orators.

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Public Speaking Coaching With Virtual Reality in Paris

by Pierre Morsa —

I don’t think it’s exaggerated to say that the mentality in public speaking coaching and oratory coaching is fairly conservative. After all, many of the techniques that are taught today were developed by some guys in togas before year one of our calendar! But the world has changed a lot since then, and recent technology advances have opened new exciting possibilities for public presentation training. One of these technologies is virtual reality.

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I presented at CES and all I got was a bunch of ungrateful tweets

by Pierre Morsa —

My colleague Ricardo pointed me to a tweet from Rene Ritchie, who was attending the conferences at CES. Dear almost everyone on stage at CES: Pay ungodly amounts of money — anything you have to — to get WWDC speaker training ASAP. Or go to Juilliard or the Royal Shakespeare Company for a month. Whatever works for you. — Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) January 8, 2019 This tweet says: “Dear almost everyone on stage at CES: Pay ungodly amounts of money — anything you have to — to get WWDC speaker training ASAP.

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Are you ready?

by Rose Bloomfield -

It’s already October and you know what that means… Firming up plans for next year. Pitching projects. Assigning budgets. And ultimately getting creative about how to expire old, ineffective systems and implement a smarter and better approach. Look around and catch the shift. It’s not time for just another step forward. It’s time to leap. At Ideas on Stage we coach, train and design for international clients and companies large and small, from CAC 40 enterprises to startups and incubators.

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The Women on Stage Workshop Returns Dec 7

by Marion Chapsal -

This December 7th in an elegant boardroom along the Champs-Elysée something powerful will take place: the beloved Women on Stage workshop will return by popular demand led by Marion Chapsal, Chief Learning Officer and Speaking Coach. Spaces are limited to allow space for each voice and leader to present and receive personalized feedback. Marion Chapsal For over 20 years, Marion’s work has helped leaders to strengthen their executive presence, enhance their presentation and communication skills, and promote gender-balanced leadership in everything she does.

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EDF InnovDay UNITEP 2017

by Pierre Morsa —

Innovation is at the heart of what keeps large companies competitive. This is why EDF (Electricity of France) UNITEP organized a challenge to promote and reward internal innovative projects. For the fourth year in a row, Ideas on Stage collaborated with EDF to coach said Innovators. We helped each group build a strong and original three-minute presentation on their innovation. True to our methodology, we worked on developing the four elements of an impactful presentation: message, story, visuals and speaking.

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