TEDX McGill 2016

Ideas on Stage, the global presentation specialists have been coaching TED speakers over the last six years with great results. This year we not only coached but also partnered with TedX McGill which occurred earlier this month.

The event theme was paradigm shift and took place at McGill University in Montreal. And as always the speakers were amazing and working on very different fields from gravitational waves to cyborg rights fondation or NGO activist. You can find a biography and works of each and everyone of them here

But what is a paradigm shift ?

A paradigm shift is when the world conception of something changes completely. Like when people realized that the earth was no longer at the center of the universe, or the Darwinian revolutions. History of science is full of those paradigm shift that are become even more numerous as new discoveries are made. And being part of that shift, helping new ideas come to us is truly amazing.

This time it was our coach Joe Ross who did the coaching. And he was highly praised.

“Joe is a master craftsman when it comes to speech coaching and attention to performance detail. Joe’s highly knowledgeable focus, expertise, and insights were an invaluable asset toward the great success of my TED Talk.” Christopher Emerson

“If the talk went well, it was in no small part thanks to you Joe. It was delightful working together, and you used just the right amount of push while respecting what I felt I had to say. I’ve done many talks over the years, yet this was the first time I was mentored, and hesitant though I was, I found it most helpful. Thank you Joe. (Please feel free to quote this—it is all true!!)". Henry Mintzberg, Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies

“I really enjoyed working with Joe Ross in preparing for a TEDx presentation. He was remarkably artful in taking my fixed points of departure — content, background, and worldview — and gently forming it into something that fit the constraints of the TEDx format, and helping pace me in preparing for it in a timely way. But I did not fully appreciate his contribution to the success of the TEDx event until I saw him during the final rehearsals with the full collection of presenters, who represented a very broad sample across subject matter, level of familiarity with public speaking, innate inclination to communicate in that medium, and simple preparedness. The end result came across as an integrated whole, and this had a lot to do with Joe’s coaching on the individual level and his ability to knit it all together.” Dr. David Shoemaker, (scientist who discovered the Gravitational waves)

As with all TedX events, the videos of the speakers will be available online in a couple of weeks so follow their youtube channel to get more info.

We will also be posting those videos on our Youtube channel along with many videos of previous events so do not hesitate to have a look.