Startups on Stage

Everything comes down to the pitch

As a startup you spend a lot of time testing, developing and improving your product and idea, but are you able to pitch effectively in front of an angel investor, venture capitalist or even to your clients?

Pitching is critical to the success of any startup, because no matter how great your idea, product or service, you still have to convince investors, clients and/or bankers to trust you with their money. Founders often consider that since they know everything about their startup, they can pitch it without much effort. Yet those who succeed are those who work on their pitch, who make sure they stand out from all the other entrepreneurs, and create a lasting impression. When you meet that investor in an elevator or have to sell your product while commuting, you have one chance to succeed - so you’d better be prepared.

Ideas on Stage helps clients create all types of pitch - from elevator pitches to investor pitches, product or even media pitches depending on their needs. We can also accompany you on your slide creation and always give you feedback and exercises to improve your oratory skills to help you score every time.

Since its creation, Ideas on Stage has been working with startups, incubators and accelerators who have trusted their future to our pitch advice: BlaBlaCar, Euratechnologies, l’Atelier BNP, NUMA, Microsoft Accelerator, Qwant, Startin’Post, 50Partners, and many more! We offer both group or individual coaching both in French and in English and are partners with Business France and France Digitale.

Following our coaching, many startups have raised millions, convinced clients and won pitch competitions on both sides of the Atlantic. Our team will bring our skills and experience to your startups, helping them to create and deliver pitches Steve Jobs would have been proud of.

If you want your startup to get the best pitch advice, or if you want to organize a workshop for a group of startups, please contact Ideas on Stage using the form below.