The Performance Buddy. Finally THE shortcut to presentation perfection.

by Michael Rickwood —

2021 already presents many challenges, not only for leaders and executives but for everyone in the white collar sphere who needs to communicate with their colleages, clients and partners.

With online talks raising the bar and audiences increasingly critical, leaders with confidence issues, performance anxiety and low self-esteem have to stay on point. The task of gaining confidence while battling nerves and getting out in one piece is exhausting. Coaching, meditation, rehearsal, visualisation and psychotherapy are all strategies that professionals have turned to over the years to conquer the fear.

Here at Ideas on Stage, we recognise the modern executive has no time and doesn’t wish to commit to self-help strategies. We also see many leaders who wish somebody else could deliver their presentations for them, but who know they have to be seen to be delivering the messages themselves.

This is why Ideas on Stage is proud and excited to launch a revolutionary solution: The Performance Buddy.

Performance Buddy!

The Performance Buddy is a neural-engineered, brain-connected WIFI device which will allow the coach to take control of your body and voice, and present for you. Think of it like the film Avatar where the human controls the Naavi’s blue body from a distance. In this case, you are the blue body, controlled by one of our specialist presentation coaches.

It couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is to attach our amazing Performance Buddy to the back of your head and a relay emitter to your shirt lapel. Then one of our professional presenters, standing out of sight of the audience, will take over, walk your body on stage, and lend their expertise to articulate, gesticulate and speak convincingly with your hands, body and voice.

In short, one of our coaches will do the presentation for you while you observe from deep inside your subconscious: a calm, comfortable mind chamber we call The Buddy Zone.

This ground-breaking technology uses our patent-pending communication system: the Avatar Protocol for Remote Interactivity & Language.

We tested the Performance Buddy with several business leaders and one very well-known political leader, and while audiences noticed that they were more persuasive and less boring than usual, they never suspected that our Performance Buddy was behind their success.

In fact, the leaders enjoyed the experience so much, and gained so much time by not having to prepare their presentations, that they now use it all the time. Try it for yourself, and you’ll never think twice about handing the controls to one of our ace presenters who will drive you like a high-performance rally car.

Please note: all customers will need a full psychological evaluation beforehand and will need to sign a 65-page responsibility waiver in the event of a brain meltdown.

You’re probably wondering how much this amazing, revolutionary solution costs. The list price is $4,012,021, and this comes with unlimited presentations and technical support for a whole year.

If this is beyond your budget, but you want to learn more about effective presenting, our co-founder Phil Waknell is publishing a book this year: Business Presentation Revolution. We have a dedicated LinkedIn group for the book - join the conversation here.