Establish a Connection First

by Pierre Morsa —

You’ve probably already seen those presenters who climb on stage and rush into their presentation, apparently oblivious to the fact that they have an audience in front of them. Once they’re done, they rush out of the stage, as if you didn’t exist.

To avoid looking like one of these presenters, try to establish a connection with the audience as soon as possible. Look and smile at them as you enter the stage. Then take a few seconds to perceive the atmosphere and the feelings of the participants. If the mood is cheerful and relaxed, it will feed you with energy. And if the mood is hostile and tense, you will not commit the mistake of opening your talk with a comment that could come off as extremely insensitive to the needs and problems of the people in front of you.

No matter who you are, a CEO, a celebrity, a trainee, establishing the connection first is crucial to make sure you don’t look out of touch with reality.
