How to Check If Your Presentation Remote Works Without Anyone Noticing

by Pierre Morsa —

It’s your turn to present. You’ve launched your presentation and enter the stage. But how do you know if your presentation remote is working? If you start clicking back and forth between your first and second slide to see if it is working, everyone will notice what you’re doing, and you will not make a great first impression.

Luckily, someone shared a simple tip on twitter. Just duplicate your first slide. Your first two slides are now identical. In the notes of the second slide, write “MY REMOTE WORKS”, or something similar. Now you can do just one click and if the note appears in the Presenter view you can be sure your remote works. Only you will see it and the audience will keep fully engaged with you.

You must use the Presenter View for this tip to work, so you can see your notes next to your current and next slides.

Presentation Remote