Bonjour les Champs Élysées !

by Pierre Morsa —

Ideas on Stage now welcomes you in their Champs Élysées offices. Located in the heart of Paris, they offer the perfect atmosphere to make the best out of your public speaking coaching sessions. And above all, the coffee is very good (although we recommend to avoid it before speaking in public)!

Ideas on Stage Champs Elysées

What a change a few years can make. When we created the company, we rented a space in a shared office. But the business center was nearly always full and we had to book the rooms weeks in advance, which was extremely inconvenient. As a young company, we didn’t want to spend too much, so when the first promotion of startups graduated from the Parisian accelerator “Le Camping,” we moved with them in a place called “L’After,” a name that was more reminiscent of a place where spent partygoers would try to recover than a place where you conducted serious business. It was also a bit decrepit, and we had to fight for space between the ping-pong table and the Geeks.

This is history. Now we can welcome you in our offices on the Champs Élysées, the most prestigious avenue of Paris, the city of light. It’s easy to find: it’s next to the McDonald’s on the Champs Élysées, and a sign indicates the entrance.

There are many rooms, perfect for public speaking coaching and training. Some are spacious, for group public speaking training. Other rooms are smaller and are perfect for one to one public speaking coaching sessions.